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Language Access Bill Reported Favorably Out of Committee

An Act Relative to Language Access and Inclusion (now H.4872 and S.2929) has officially been reported favorably out of Committee.

The Language Access and Inclusion Act would:

  1. Ensure that state agencies effectively communicate with a diverse Commonwealth.
  2. Standardize and enforce robust language access plans
  3. Ensure adequate staffing to meet language access needs.
  4. Create a stakeholder advisory board to assist state agencies in compliance.
  5. Create mechanisms for phased-in implementation.

Thanks to the advocacy of the Language Access for All Coalition, this bill has found strong support in the State House – and we need to keep going! The bill is now sitting in Ways and Means, and it’s our goal to get them to report the bill favorably and get it to the floor for a vote.

To help move this bill forward, please:

  • Take this one-minute action to reach your legislators and urge them to speak to leadership in support of moving the bill forward
  • Use this social media toolkit with sample posts and graphics to thank our lead sponsors and the leaders of the Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight for reporting the bill favorably!

Let’s do all we can to move this critical bill forward before the legislative session ends on July 31st!

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